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Jesus is the God Man by Pastor Tony Spell

As man, He slept in the bottom of the ship. As God, He commanded the wind and the waves—“Peace, Be Still.”

As man, He was wearied on Jacob’s well. As God, He never sleeps and He never slumbers.

As man, He said, “I thirst.” As God, He said, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall never thirst.”

As man, at Cana of Galilee they ran out of wine. As God, He turned the water into wine.

As man, He wept at Lazarus’ graveside. As God, He said, “Lazarus, come forth.”

As man, they nailed Him to the cross. As God, He grew the tree that would be the cross.

As man, He hungered. As God, He multiplied two fish and five loaves, feeding 25,000.

As man, He was imprisoned. As God, He sets at liberty them that are imprisoned.

As man, He was stripped naked. As God, He is clothed with majesty and strength.

As man, He sailed on the waters. As God, He walked on the waters.

As man, He stood up to read the Word. As God, He is the living Word.

By Pastor Tony Spell

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