We have a packed schedule from kayaking to shopping to good eating from food trucks to light-infused activities to a Noah's ark petting zoo, horseback riding, sports tournaments, and more! It's packed from dusk to past midnight each day, and you're allowed to stay up and fellowship as long as desired. Part of our schedule is below:
VENDORS & Cafe: Open 8am-1:45am except during services
FOOD TRUCKS: Following night services.
Tuesday, June 27 ***
7:30pm | Pastor Tony Spell
If you're in town early, this is a PRE-Revolution kick-off service!​ Official Revolution starts Wednesday.
You can pick up your registration badges after service in the dining hall.
Wednesday, June 28
4pm-7:30pm | Registration badge pickup open in Revolution building
Sign up for basketball up volleyball tournaments after service in the gym; softball tournaments in the ball field
7:30pm | Reverend Joel Buxton
Sign up for basketball up volleyball tournaments after service in the gym; softball tournament signup in the ball field
Thursday, June 29
11:00am | Reverend Rusty Adkins
Lunch follows free with badge; check poster for time to eat.
6pm-7:30pm | Registration badge pickup open in Revolution building
7:30pm |Reverend Kerry Jones
Midnight | Glow night talent show . Wear florescent/white clothes for our glow night during talent show).
Friday, June 30
11:00am | Reverend Isaiah Dunn
Lunch follows free with badge; check poster for time to eat.
7:30pm | Reverend Mark Copeland
Midnight | Fireworks by the ballfield
Saturday, July 1
9:00am | Revolution GEAUX Soul winning seminar | Pastor Tony Spell followed by hands-on Bus Ministry training to encourage souls to Commit to reaching the lost.
11am | Hands-on soul winning training
Lunch follows free with badge; grab food as you return from training.
Free leisure follows for the rest of the day.
Sunday, July 2
10:00am | Pastor Tony Spell
Lunch follows--No Badge required.
6:30pm | Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment by Dan Fisher
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